Medicaid Spending Growth Drops As Enrollment Slows
Enrollment growth in Medicaid slowed this year as the economy improved, easing pressure on government spending.
Questions Linger About Implementing Doctors’ Medicaid Pay Raise
The health law seeks to lure more doctors to treat the poor by increasing the pay rates but states and physicians have concerns about how this will work.
GOP Plan Would Cut Medicaid By $1.7 Trillion, Study Says
The House Republican plan to repeal President Barack Obama’s health law and turn Medicaid into a block grant program would save the federal government $1.7 trillion from 2013 to 2022, a 38-percent spending reduction, according to a report today by the Urban Institute for the Kaiser Family Foundation. It would also result in 31 million […]
Study: Most Seniors’ ER Visits Could Be Avoided
Nearly 60 percent of Medicare beneficiary visits to emergency rooms and 25 percent of their hospital admissions were “potentially preventable”– had patients received better care at home or in outpatient settings — according to results of a study released Friday by a congressional advisory board. “These are spectacular rates,” said Scott Armstrong, a member of the […]
Berwick: Debate Underscores Challenge Explaining Health Law
More than two and a half years after he signed the most far reaching health care legislation into law, President Barack Obama showed in his Wednesday debate with Mitt Romney that explaining the law is still no easy job. “It’s a great law and complex and complicated … but there is a continuing job to […]
How Will The Election Change Medicaid?
Frequently asked questions about Romney and Obama’s very different visions for the future of state-federal health program.
Medicaid Stars In New Obama Campaign Ad At last, Medicaid is getting some respect. Medicaid, not Medicare, is the subject a new television campaign advertisement for President Barack Obama (above). The 30-second ad is being broadcast in five election battleground states — Colorado, Virginia, Nevada, Iowa and Ohio. It accuses GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney of supporting the plan passed by […]
States Requiring Broader Choice Of Drugs Than Skimpy Federal Limit
When the Obama administration set initial rules last December to determine what minimum benefits insurers must offer in plans sold to individuals and small groups starting in 2014, one provision stood out: Insurers selling small group and individual policies would have to provide at least one drug per class of drug. In other words, insurers could cover just […]
States Moving Ahead On Defining ‘Essential’ Health Insurance Benefits Under Federal Law
At least 16 states have decided on a minimum set of benefits for individual and group health plans starting in 2014, and many more states are close to decisions.
Boom In Trauma Centers Can Help Save Lives, But At What Price?
More than 200 centers have opened since 2009, but experts raise concerns about cost and quality.
Obama, Ryan Offer Dueling Visions Of Medicare To AARP Members
Both candidates portray themselves as protectors of the popular entitlement program and argue their rivals’ plans would undermine it.
Romney Adviser’s Firm Says Most States Will Expand Medicaid — If Obama Is Re-Elected
The consulting firm headed by the man planning Mitt Romney’s White House transition –should there be one — says most states eventually will expand Medicaid under the health law, if President Barack Obama is re-elected. A report completed this week by Leavitt Partners, led by Romney adviser and former Health and Human Services Secretary Mike Leavitt, noted the […]
Insurance Coverage Improves In 20 States, Census Shows
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Urgent Care Centers Are Booming, Which Worries Some Doctors
Millions of consumers embrace clinics’ convenience, but some physicians warn they’re no replacement for a family doctor.
Census: Uninsured Numbers Decline As More Young Adults Gain Coverage
The number of people without health insurance fell to 48.6 million last year, or 15.7 percent of the population, the first drop since 2007, according to new census numbers reported Wednesday.
Romney And Ryan Camps Walk Back Candidates’ Statements On Health Law
On Sunday, GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney, appearing on NBC’s Meet the Press, said he would keep the popular provision in President Barack Obama’s health law that “makes sure those with pre-existing conditions can get coverage.” And on ABC’s This Week with George Stephanopoulus, Paul Ryan appeared to back a lesser-known part of the law called […]
What’s Your Guess On Newest Uninsured Numbers? Win A Prize (Well, Recognition)
After the monthly jobs report on Friday, the next big federal report with implications for the presidential race comes Wednesday morning when the Census Bureau releases its annual study on the number of people without health insurance. Last year, the Census reported that in 2010 the number of uninsured rose by 1 million to 49.9 million while the rate […]
Study: Nearly A Third Of Doctors Won’t See New Medicaid Patients
But the rate is almost twice as high in New Jersey, largely because the state pays doctors so little to participate in the program for low-income and disabled residents.
States Cut Medicaid Drug Benefits To Save Money
Illinois is the latest state to act, imposing a limit of four drugs.
13 States Cut Medicaid To Balance Budgets
Provider cuts may limit care for poor people and make it harder to expand the program in 2014.