
Latest KFF Health News Stories

To Cap Medicaid, Florida Looks To Managed Care

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Florida’s annual Medicaid bill runs in the billions – it’s nearly one-third of the state’s budget. As Florida struggles to close a budget shortfall of $4.5 billion, Medicaid is a target for cuts. Often, that means moving Medicaid recipients into managed care.

Governors’ Wish List For Medicaid

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A sampling of Medicaid changes some state chief executives would advance if they were given more flexibility from the federal government. This issue is likely to be a hot topic this weekend as the governors convene in Washington, D.C. for their winter meeting.

Health On The Hill Transcript: With State Fiscal Pressures Mounting, Medicaid Battle Looms

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As state fiscal pressures mount, governors are asking Washington to allow them to reduce their Medicaid rolls, something that’s barred under the health care law. Democrats generally prefer to give the states more federal money to help with Medicaid costs, but House Republicans are unlikely to support that, citing deficit concerns.

Health Care Battles To Surge Anew In 2011: Phil Galewitz

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KHN reporters preview some of the big issues coming this year: KHN correspondent Phil Galewitz says there are questions about the effectiveness of states’ efforts to move Medicaid patients to managed care.

Private Providers In Texas Fight Back Over Service Change

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For years, the state paid private providers who care for people with disabilities to handle their clients’ case management. But an 11th-hour change inserted into the budget last session stripped them of that responsibility, giving it instead to quasi-governmental Mental Retardation Authorities – and potentially creating a conflict of interest.