
Latest KFF Health News Stories

Advocates Prepare To Challenge GOP On Health Law

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In the aftermath of Republicans’ election victories, defenders of the health care law are huddling to thwart GOP efforts to eviscerate the sweeping measure. Groups that back the law aren’t likely to coalesce around a single message to increase public support.

Video: Obama, Rand Paul On Health Law

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On CBS’ “60 Minutes” President Barack Obama acknowledged that taking on “something as big as health care” probably “wasn’t great politics.” Senator-elect Rand Paul, R-Ky., a favorite of the tea party, told ABC’s “This Week” why he believes the law should be repealed.

Video: Obama On Election Results And Health Law

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In the wake of the GOP victories on election night, President Barack Obama held a news conference to talk about the “shellacking” he and his party took. He was asked about the impact of the health law on the vote. Here is an excerpt of that part of the event.

Riding An Elevator With Boehner: What Would You Say?

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Less than 24 hours after Republicans won control of the House, soon-to-be-speaker John Boehner denounced the new health care law, saying it would “kill jobs in America, ruin the best health care system in the world, and bankrupt our country” — and renewed his vow to try to repeal it. Kaiser Health News asked people around the country to answer the following question: “If you ended up in an elevator with Rep. Boehner, what single thing would you urge him to do about health care in this country?”

Transcript: Health On The Hill – The Election’s Impact On The Health Law

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With major gains in Congress, in governors’ races and in statehouses across the country, Republicans will continue to push for repeal or significant changes to the health care law. President Obama says while he is open to making some modifications, he and Democrats will resist major changes to the measure.

Health On The Hill Transcript: The Campaigns And Health Reform

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With the elections less than one week away, ads making claims about the health law are flooding the airwaves. Many Democrats continue to not mention health reform, while Republicans criticize the law as too large, too expensive and intrusive into Americans’ lives.

Florida Congressional Race Hinges On Seniors’ Confusion, Anger

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As emotions run high over the new health law, older voters’ concerns about Medicare cuts could be a deciding factor in Florida’s 2nd Congressional District. Reporter Marilyn Werber Serafini travelled to north Florida to talk with seniors and discovered some angry voters, including one woman who changed political parties because she doesn’t like the Democrats’ health law.

Video: Checking In With Tom Daschle

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Jackie Judd checks in with Tom Daschle, former Senate Majority Leader and a senior, informal, advisor to President Obama during the health debate. He talks about the challenges facing the administration now, including walking the line between the “pragmatic and idealistic” and about how to respond to the many requests for waivers from complying with the law. Daschle has a new book about the new debate: “Getting It Done.”

Health Law’s Opponents Dominating Airwaves

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President Obama signed the health law in March and told voters to read up on it. But opponents of the law have done most of the educating on what it means, sometimes in ads with false claims.

Should Health Law Be Repealed? Not A Simple Question

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Would the public like to see the new health overhaul law repealed? A lot of pollsters have been asking that question lately. And they’ve been getting a lot of different answers.

In Campaign Ads, Democrats Mostly Silent About Health Law

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When Democrats passed their health overhaul bill back in March, they hailed it as the biggest domestic achievement since Medicare. But seven months later, most of the noise about the new law on the campaign trail is coming from opponents

Health Care: Run On It or Against It?

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Republicans think they have a winning issue in health care reform, calling for its repeal and slamming the new law as big government gone haywire-even before most of its provisions have taken effect. A new poll suggests it’s not so clear-cut, and some Democrats seem to agree.