Coronavirus Fuels Explosive Growth In Telehealth ― And Concern About Fraud
“Unscrupulous providers” could take advantage of the boom in treatment delivered via voice or video calls.
In The Middle Of The Country, A Hospital And Its Community Prepare For The Surge
Because the surge of COVID-19 cases hasn’t yet hit all parts of America, some hospitals are able to learn lessons from the hot spots and prepare for the onslaught. In Wichita, Kansas, Ascension Via Christi hospitals converted a portion of a hospital cafeteria into a grocery store and offered alternative housing and child care for staff members working long hours in a stressful setting. The hospital group is also working with local aircraft manufacturers and 3D-printing hobbyists to produce face shields and other safety materials.
‘It Hurts Our Soul’: Nursing Home Workers Struggle With Thankless Position
Poorly rated long-term care facilities stand out in the COVID-19 crisis — but even the best are affected.
The Inside Story Of How The Bay Area Got Ahead Of The COVID-19 Crisis
An early morning text. A lawyer-filled meeting on a Sunday afternoon. Emotional journal entries. And, ultimately, action. In the 24 hours before San Francisco Bay Area public health officials issued the country’s first stay-at-home order, they debated how to tackle the alarming rise in COVID-19 infections. Their decision set the course for the nation.
San Francisco Quick To Fight COVID-19, Slow To Help Homeless
San Francisco Mayor London Breed won nationwide praise for taking drastic early measures against COVID-19. But her hesitation over how to care for the homeless came back to bite her.
“Duele en el alma”: la lucha de los trabajadores en residencias de adultos mayores
La epidemia de COVID-19 ha resaltado las profundas debilidades de la industria que atiende a las personas mayores y más frágiles de la nación en centros de cuidado y residencias.
Pandemic Stresses Already Fragile Rural Health Care Systems
KHN Midwest correspondent Lauren Weber joined Newsy’s “Morning Rush” and WAMU’s “1A” show to talk about the challenges facing rural America during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Before ‘Tidal Wave’ Of Illness, Nursing Home Thought It Had COVID-19 Contained
Though it already had one staff member testing positive for the coronavirus, the Gallatin Center for Rehabilitation and Healing did not tell 911 operators this fact as it called ambulances to take residents in respiratory distress to the hospital, a WPLN investigation reveals.
In Fine Print, HHS Appears To Ban All Surprise Billing During The Pandemic
Language in the CARES Act says providers who take emergency funding cannot balance-bill coronavirus patients ― and “every patient” is considered a possible COVID-19 patient.
Listen: Battling The Coronavirus While Reopening The Economy
KHN’s Julie Rovner discusses the Trump administration’s blueprint for reopening the economy and its effect on public health on WBUR’s “On Point.”
Must-Reads Of The Week From Brianna Labuskes
Newsletter editor Brianna Labuskes wades through hundreds of health care policy stories each week, so you don’t have to.
NYC Nurse Says He’s Not Scared: ‘I Am Only Doing My Job’ For COVID-19 Patients
Francisco Díaz ordinarily works educating seniors about their diabetes, but he has moved to the emergency room, on the front line in the battle against coronavirus. He said his Latino background helps him communicate with the many Spanish-speaking patients and understand their culture.
California Shies Away From Calls To Eliminate Restrictions On Nurse Practitioners
Many states are dramatically loosening regulations on nurse practitioners as the coronavirus pandemic increases demand for health care workers. But not California.
En NYC, enfermero de ER dice: “no tengo miedo. Solo ayudo a pacientes con COVID-19”
En la Ciudad de Nueva York, ha habido más muertes de latinos por el virus que de otras razas o etnias, según revelan datos preliminares del departamento de salud local.
‘It’s Not Over Until It’s Over’: 5 Things To Know About Hitting The COVID-19 Peak
President Donald Trump says the country has seen a peak in new cases, but that doesn’t mean the end of the pandemic, experts say. Buckle in — we could be social distancing into 2022.
As Ventilators Become Crucial In Saving Lives, Repair Roadblocks Remain
With hospitals struggling to get more ventilators, they must ensure every ventilator they have is ready for service. But manufacturers limit who can repair them.
Obama: GOP’s Stance On Preexisting Conditions Off-Base, Especially During Pandemic
The former president’s statement highlights a clear difference of opinion that will likely come up often on the campaign trail.
The COVID-19 Bailout That’s Left Every Hospital Unhappy In Its Own Way
Despite intense lobbying for a piece of the $100 billion bailout pot, big New York hospitals and rural systems alike say they aren’t getting a fair share.
Big Brother Wants To Track Your Location And Health Data. And That’s Not All Bad.
Big data plays a critical role in the success of current public health efforts to control the spread of the coronavirus. Privacy advocates, though, are watching closely.
Liberan a miles de presos para prevenir brotes de coronavirus
Las cárceles estatales y de los condados confinan a los presos muy cerca uno del otro, tanto que es casi imposible seguir las pautas establecidas por los CDC.