Latest KFF Health News Stories
There’s been a lot of talk among state policymakers, industry stakeholders and the media about whether exchanges should be “active” or “passive” purchasers of health insurance.
Out-Of-Network Ambulance Rides Can Bring Out-Of-Pocket Expenses
Consumers, who often don’t have a choice of ambulance services, can be left holding the bill when insurers refuse to pay entire cost.
A Health Policy Reality Check (Guest Opinion)
We occupy a strange time in U.S. health policy. Over the past two years, assumptions and beliefs that bridged the liberal-conservative health policy divide have been blown apart.
Poll: Americans Support Birth Control Coverage
When it comes to private health insurance, 77 percent of people said it should cover all or some of the cost of oral contraceptives.
Consumers May Be Unaware Of Their Right To A Review Of Health Plan Decisions
Millions of Americans gained the right under the federal health law to appeal insurance denials to an independent arbiter but many may not know they have that option.
Blue Shield Of California Sets Profit Cap Other Insurers May Not Imitate
Blue Shield of California’s decision to cap profits at 2 percent was widely applauded, but other health insurers aren’t likely to follow suit.
Another Day In Court For The Individual Mandate (Guest Opinion)
Could the health law be overturned on the basis of the requirement that nearly everyone obtain health insurance? Sure. But it would be one more sign that the courts are establishing new limits on federal power, rather than recognizing existing ones. That is not something conservative judges, in particular, say they like to do.
It’s Not A Dream: An Insurer Who Lowers Rates
Health law’s requirements on how much insurers must spend on medical care is leading to some refunds and reductions in consumer costs.
ACO Debacle Exposes Obamacare’s Fatal Conceit (Guest Opinion)
Obamacare’s number-one idea for improving health care quality and reducing costs is to promote something called “accountable care organizations” in Medicare is sinking like a stone because it is premised on the notion that government experts can direct the market better than consumers.
Feds Cutting Fees, Requirements For High-Risk Health Insurance Pools
With enrollment falling far short of expectations, the Obama administration announces changes to make federally run high risk insurance plans both more affordable and more accessible.
Health Law Provides Free Prevention Benefits – With Caveats (Video)
KHN’s “Insuring Your Health” columnist Michelle Andrews talks with Jackie Judd about the provisions in the health law that provide for free preventive tests. While the law doesn’t apply to all insurance plans, it should cut costs for many people.
Letter To The Editor: Health Insurance Agents Are Not An ‘Unnecessary Administrative Expense’
The author is responding to a column originally published on KHN on May 9, 2011.
Many On-The-Job Clinics Offer Primary Care
These workplace centers are increasingly expanding beyond job injuries to offer on-site preventive tests and screenings and health coaching.
Vermont Steps Closer To Single-Payer Health Care
Gov. Peter Shumlin says the new system will treat health care as a right and be a huge jobs creator.
Health Insurance Rate Hikes Face Tougher Scrutiny
The Obama administration issued final rules Thursday requiring insurers to justify rate increases of 10 percent or more.
Survey: Consumers Face Higher Health Care Costs
Employees will be experiencing higher co-pays and deductibles in their health insurance next year as employers continue to reduce their overall coverage to deal with rapidly rising costs.
Minnesota GOP Between A Rock And Hard Place on Health Exchange Options
GOP lawmakers generally oppose efforts to set up the insurance marketplaces called for in the health law – but they aren’t crazy about the alternatives either.
Sit Down, Mitt, You’re Not Helping (Guest Opinion)
Mitt Romney’s reversals on a variety of policy issues create the impression that when he’s with you, he’s with you. At least until he leaves the room. The impression is again playing out in regard to Romney’s stunning reversal on Massachusett’s health plan.
States Seek to Soften Rule on Insurers’ Profits, Millions Of Dollars In Consumer Rebates At Stake
Nine states are pushing the Obama administration to ease a requirement that insurers spend 80 percent of their premium revenues on medical care
Florida Pushing New Fees For Most Medicaid Recipients
But the provision could get a chilly reception from federal officials, who would have to approve the changes.