Latest KFF Health News Stories
Wyden-Brown And The Health Law: A Match Made In Heaven Or Limbo?
President Barack Obama’s surprise signal last week to governors that he was willing to give states some extra flexibility in implementing the law is particularly noteworthy because it offers a useful window into the health law’ s evolving politics and the future bargaining that will likely take place.
Some Medical Practices Move To Monthly Membership Fees For Patients
These new plans cut out insurance policies and offer unlimited access to doctors and nurse practitioners for a modest, set fee.
Younger, Disabled Medicare Beneficiaries Have Trouble Getting Supplementary Insurance
Federal law does not guarantee beneficiaries under the age of 65 the right to buy Medigap coverage and even when they do qualify for a plan, it is often prohibitively expensive.
So This Is Freedom? They Must Be Joking.
Despite the rhetoric about compromise, what President Barack Obama actually did when he announced that states would have some flexibility in implementing the health law was give states the option of replacing his law with a single-payer health system three years earlier than it otherwise could have happened.
A Message To Health Law Critics: It’s Not About A Lack Of Flexibility
What truly undermines the arguments offered by conservative critics is their lack of workable alternative ideas that would achieve the health insurance coverage expansion goals set by the health law.
Insurance Trade-Off: Reducing Premiums By Eliminating Expensive Doctors, Hospitals
Some insurers are offering consumers a hefty break if they pay more out-of-pocket when they use certain high-cost providers in their network or are cutting the providers from the coverage.
After The Deluge: Health Reform Without An Individual Mandate
As challenges to the health law’s individual mandate wind their way through the courts, it is important to focus on the real question: what happens to the health law if this provision is ultimately struck down?
Pennsylvania Closing State Health Plan For Low-Income Adults
Few options are available for the 42,000 people losing coverage.
Hardliners On Health Law: End It, Don’t Mend It
The conservative group FreedomWorks recommends a system of vouchers to replace Medicare, Medicaid and provisions of the new health law.
A Slippery Slope To Defunding The Health Law
As the House considers its repeal of the health law’s unpopular 1099 reporting provision, the measure’s premium tax credits are being eyed as a possible pay-for.
Administration Seeks To Calm Republican Governors’ Fears On Implementing Health Law
An Obama administration memo details flexibility to determine which insurers can participate in health insurance exchanges, tailor Medicaid programs and even offer health savings accounts.
Insurance Reform Is Not Cost Control
Now that House Republicans, along with a few Democrats, have passed a bill to repeal last year’s health reform law, they are planning to offer some alternatives for replacing it. But how can we tell if their plans are likely to tackle the of high health care spending?
Sebelius Vows To Ensure CLASS Program Is Financially Viable
HHS is considering a number of options to make sure healthy, less costly people are attracted to the long-term care program and costs are held in check.
Health On The Hill Transcript: Democrats On Defense As Republicans Plan Attack On Health Law
House Republicans are holding committee hearings this week on the health law’s provisions governing Medicare, abortion and small business.
Sebelius Vows To Ensure CLASS Program Is Financially Viable
HHS is considering a number of options to make sure healthy, less costly people are attracted to the long-term care program and costs are held in check.
Alternatives To Mandating Insurance? Maybe
Some experts are proposing alternatives to mandating that nearly all Americans purchase health insurance – a requirement in the health law – including offering discounts for early buyers and instituting eligibility periods to use subsidies.
Insurers, Consumer Groups Tussle Over Appeals Rule
The new health law requires beefed-up appeals processes, but insurance companies and advocates are battling over exactly what that means.
President Obama On Health Law: ‘Let’s Fix What Needs Fixing And Move Forward’
In his State of the Union message, the president also said he’s “not willing … to go back to the days when insurance companies could deny someone coverage because of a pre-existing condition.”
FAQ: Selling Health Insurance Across State Lines
More than 60 House Republicans are sponsoring a bill to permit the sale of health insurance across state lines. Consumer advocacy groups argue such provisions would erode many state protections.
The Health Law’s Co-op Program: A Political Device Or The Affordable Alternative Consumers Need?
It will take a serious and sustained effort to make co-ops a viable insurance option for consumers and small business owners.