Latest KFF Health News Stories
‘It’s Not Like Other States’: High-Cost Alaska Sits In The Eye Of Health Reform Storm
With the most expensive medical care and health insurance premiums in the nation, Alaska seeks a novel way to bail out Obamacare.
For Better Or Worse, Trump And GOP Now Own Health Care
More than six in 10 people think that moving forward the responsibility for dealing with the health law falls to President Donald Trump and Republicans controlling Congress, Kaiser Family Foundation poll finds.
Encuesta: la mayoría piensa que ahora Trump es responsable del Obamacare
La propiedad de la Ley de Cuidado de Salud Asequible (ACA) se ha transferido oficialmente del presidente Barack Obama y los demócratas en el Congreso al presidente Donald Trump y los republicanos, según una nueva encuesta.
Where There’s Willingness, There’s A Way For Congress And Trump To Fix Health Law
After the collapse of the Republican replacement plan, there may be a way to find consensus and repair the law.
Trump’s Effort To Lure Consumers To Exchanges Could Bring Skimpier Plans
The changes proposed by the administration for the health law marketplaces in 2018 could increase customers’ out-of-pocket costs and reduce the amount they receive in premium tax credits.
The Next Obamacare Battleground: Subsidies For Out-Of-Pocket Costs
Exchange enrollees and insurers fret over a lawsuit that could end federal help with copays and deductibles.
Mujeres con seguro médico tienen más chances de lograr embarazos in vitro
Un nuevo estudio revela que las mujeres cuyos seguros de salud cubren la fertilización in vitro (FIV) son más propensas a repetir el procedimiento si el primer intento fracasa, aumentando así sus chances de tener un bebé.
La próxima batalla del Obamacare: subsidios para gastos de bolsillo
Los subsidios que ayudan a las personas con sus copagos y deducibles, distintos a los créditos impositivos para pagar las primas, están en medio de una batalla legal luego de una demanda republicana.
Workers Who Give Care To The Homebound Often Can’t Afford To Get Their Own
These workers, who generally do not get health insurance from their employers and fall through public assistance coverage gaps, gained some relief under Obamacare.
Women With Coverage For IVF More Likely To Have Procedure Again, Give Birth
After four cycles of IVF, women with insurance had a 57 percent probability of giving birth while a woman without coverage had a 51 percent chance, a study in JAMA reports.
VPH: nueva versión de la vacuna previene el contagio con solo dos dosis
Defensores de la salud pública esperan que con la nueva recomendación de administrar solo dos dosis de la vacuna contra el VPH a niñas y niños de entre 9 y 14 años las tasas de vacunación mejoren.
New Vaccine Recommendation Cuts Number Of HPV Shots Children Need
The vaccine protects kids against infection and several types of cancer but many parents have been reluctant to use it for their children.
Insurers May Notch Bigger Profits From Fewer Customers In ‘Trumpcare’
As Congress and the White House try to strike a bargain on an Obamacare repeal plan, the insurance industry likes what it’s seeing.
Popular Guarantee For Young Adults’ Coverage May Be Health Law’s Achilles’ Heel
Republicans and Democrats don’t agree on much these days, but both parties want to keep the health law’s provision to allow adults to stay on their parents’ plan until age 26. But that could be hurting the marketplace’s insurance pools.
Late Move To Dump ‘Essential’ Benefits Could Strand Chronically Ill
Republicans seek lower cost and more choice for health insurance sold to individuals, but cutting coverage standards could leave fewer comprehensive plans, analysts say.
In Deep-Blue State, Millions in Reddish Heartland Are Counting On Medicaid
The prospect of cutbacks has led to agitation and activism in California’s largely agricultural Central Valley, with relatively high poverty rates and a significant number of Trump voters.
How Millennials Win And Lose Under The GOP Health Bill
The cost of insurance could go down for people ages 26 to 29 under the GOP plan. But will they buy it without a mandate?
A Fact Check Finds Many Misleading Letters From Lawmakers On Health Care
Four news organizations read through letters sent by 51 senators and 134 members of the House dealing with the health care debate.
A Young Man With Parkinson’s Frets Over The Affordability Of GOP Health Plan
Ford Inbody has a degenerative disease and is carefully watching the GOP replacement health care bill. Though it covers preexisting conditions, it could still mean he’ll get less care for more money.
House Republicans Recycle Controversial 2003 Bill To Boost Small-Business Insurance
The legislation, passed by the House, would allow nationwide “association health plans.” But consumer advocates have raised serious concerns about such options in the past.