Latest KFF Health News Stories
Will GOP Pay A Price For Trying To Take Health Care Benefits From Voters?
Politicians who tried to take health care benefits from their voters may face political consequences as constituents come to understand what’s at stake — in a way they didn’t a few months ago.
Con visitas a domicilio ayudan a nuevos padres a criar hijos más saludables
A nivel nacional, un programa financiado por la Ley de Cuidado de Salud Asequible (ACA), envía trabajadores de salud a domicilio que aconsejan sobre crianza y paternidad.
Home Visits Help New Parents Overcome Tough Histories, Raise Healthy Children
A program that provides $400 million in federal funding for the visits expires next month. Advocates and providers hope it will be reauthorized with a higher level of funding — but some worry that might not happen.
Las voces olvidadas en el debate de salud: 8 mujeres cuentan sus historias
Los proyectos de salud que se han estado discutiendo dejan de lado muchos de los servicios esenciales para las mujeres, como el cuidado materno y los métodos anticonceptivos.
Podcast: ‘What The Health?’ Why Is It So Difficult To Control Drug Prices?
In this episode of “What the Health?” Mary Agnes Carey of Kaiser Health News, Sarah Karlin-Smith of Politico, Margot Sanger-Katz of The New York Times and Julie Appleby of Kaiser Health News discuss the recent extension of cost-sharing subsidies for millions of low-income beneficiaries on the Affordable Care Act’s marketplaces and the state of play on Capitol Hill and in the states concerning initiatives to lower prescription drug costs.
Often Missing In The Health Care Debate: Women’s Voices
When leaders in Washington discuss the future of American health care, women are not always in the room. Here, nine women share their personal stories, fears and hopes.
CBO: Killing Cost-Sharing Subsidies Would Hike Silver Plan Premiums And Deficit
The change would not be expected to have much long-term effect on the number of uninsured people. But it could cause a shift in which plans are popular with marketplace customers.
Insurers Can Bend Out-Of-Network Rules For Patients Who Need Specific Doctors
Individuals who require very specialized care for their health are advised to make their case when a plan doesn’t cover their doctor.
Estadounidenses quieren que sus líderes hagan funcionar la ley de salud
Casi 8 de cada 10 estadounidenses dicen que el presidente Donald Trump debería estar tratando de hacer que la ley de salud funcione, revela una nueva encuesta.
Readers Have Their Say … On Pain And Who Stands To Gain In Drug Market
Kaiser Health News gives readers a chance to respond, react and comment on our stories.
Americans Eager For Leaders To Cooperate To Make Health Law Work
Majorities of Democrats and Republicans — and people who say they are supporters of President Donald Trump — say they want the country to make the law successful.
Podcast: ‘What The Health?’ No Vacation For Insurers
In this episode of “What the Health?” Julie Rovner of Kaiser Health News, Joanne Kenen of Politico, Sarah Kliff of, and Margot Sanger-Katz of The New York Times discuss the state of the individual health insurance markets in the wake of the failure (for now) of Congress’s efforts to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act.
Taking A U-Turn On Benefits, Big Employers Vow To Continue Offering Health Insurance
Three years ago, only about a quarter of the nation’s large employers were very confident they would have a health plan in 10 years. That number has now risen to 65 percent.
Under Trump, Hospitals Face Same Penalties Embraced By Obama
Federal records show that 2,573 hospitals around the country will have their Medicare payments reduced because they have too many patients readmitted.
Despite Insurers’ Tactical Win On ACA’s Cost-Sharing Payments, Uncertainty Lingers
Court allows state attorneys general to join a pending legal challenge to keep billions in subsidies flowing to consumers and insurers, despite the Trump administration’s resistance.
Podcast: ‘What The Health?’ Now What?
In this episode of “What the Health?” Julie Rovner of Kaiser Health News, Joanne Kenen of Politico, Sarah Kliff of, and Mary Agnes Carey of Kaiser Health News discuss what happens now in the wake of the apparent demise of the Republican-only repeal and replace efforts for the Affordable Care Act.
In Strong-Arm Tactic, Trump Puts Congressional Health Benefits Into Play
By taking aim at the subsidies received by some congressional staff members who, under the Affordable Care Act, are mandated to get their health coverage from the Obamacare exchanges, the president reignited an old fight.
Counting On Medicaid To Avoid Life In A Nursing Home? That’s Now Up To Congress.
Tighter Medicaid budgets could jeopardize states’ home-based services that help older adults and disabled people live in their homes instead of more expensive nursing homes.
Podcast: What The Health? What A Week!
In this episode of “What the Health?” Julie Rovner of Kaiser Health News, Joanne Kenen of Politico, Sarah Kliff of, and Mary Agnes Carey of Kaiser Health News deconstruct the drama leading to the middle-of-the-night collapse of Senate Republicans’ last-ditch effort to overhaul the Affordable Care Act.
Cronología: las experiencias cercanas a la muerte del Obamacare
Nunca una norma sufrió tantos intentos de homicidio como la Ley de Cuidado de Salud Asequible. Los republicanos han tratado de derogarla por años, pero hasta ahora, sigue vigente.