Latest KFF Health News Stories
State Spending On Consumer Assistance Could Have ‘Huge Impact’ On Marketplace Enrollment
Some states with high uninsured rates get far less money to help people sign up for coverage under the health law.
Letters to the Editor is a periodic KHN feature. We welcome all comments and will publish a selection. We will edit for space, and we require full names.
President on Obamacare: ‘Still A Big Complicated Piece Of Business’
Here is a transcript of President Barack Obama’s remarks on implementation of the health care law during his news conference today.
California Moves To Protect Smokers From Higher Obamacare Insurance Costs
The federal health law allows states to charge smokers up to 50 percent more for a health plan
For Some People Covered Through Work, An Exchange Might Be A Good Option For The Family
Insurance columnist answers readers’ questions about what might be available on the new insurance marketplaces next year when employer-provided insurance seems too expensive for a family and whether those exchanges will be available to people who are in the middle of a plan contract.
Maryland Offers Glimpse At Obamacare Insurance Math
Maryland’s CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield pitches a 25 percent average hike in premiums for individuals, down from 50 percent.
Lack Of Competition Might Hamper Health Exchanges
Some supporters of the health law fear that in states dominated by a single insurer, consumers won’t have much choice when health insurance exchanges — a key tenet of the health law — open in October.
Questions Arise About Robotic Surgery’s Cost, Effectiveness
Health plans generally pay for robotic surgery just as they would any other surgical procedure, but that could change, some say, as research helps make clear when robotic-assisted surgery helps improve patient outcomes-and when it doesn’t.
My Child Moved Away, Can I Keep Him On My Insurance?
Michelle Andrews answers a reader question about keeping your children on your health plan until they turn 26, even if they move away.
In recent weeks, readers have reacted to stories about climbing death rates at critical access hospitals, the readmissions penalties being imposed on some hospitals and Walgreens’ move to become the first retail chain to diagnose and treat chronic conditions. Other coverage that drew responses included a story about angry doctors as well as coverage of decisions made both by physicians and consumers that impact the cost of care.
Questions About Colon Screening Coverage Still Vex Consumers
Although the federal government has tried to clarify the preventive care provisions that mandate no out-of-pocket expenses for patients on screening exams, there is still a good bit of confusion.
Is My Retiree Insurance Coverage Subject To The Health Law?
Michelle Andrews answers a reader’s question about whether retiree health plans must comply with new rules under the ACA.
Insurers Battle Over Federal Employees’ Health Coverage
For-profit insurers ask Congress to open FEHB to greater competition from regional plans.
HHS Seeking $1.5B In Funding To Run Federal Health Insurance Exchanges
The administration budget request also includes $2 billion in grants to states for the fiscal year beginning Oct. 1.
Funding To Enroll Uninsured In New Markets Called ‘Drop In Bucket’
Feds announce $54 million to hire ‘navigators’ in 33 states, but some say that’s too little to get job done.
Consumer Groups Fear Patients Could Be Hit With Large Out-Of-Pocket Costs
The Obama administration’s decision to delay the health law provision setting a maximum payment cap for some plans spurs complaints from several dozen organizations.
Same-Sex Spouses Can Face Barriers On Health Care Under Federal Law
Even when states legalize gay marriage, couples may have to pay extra federal taxes on the value of health policies and not get some protections because the federal government is barred from recognizing such unions.
Worries Mount About Enrolling Consumers In Federally Run Insurance Exchanges
Few consumers know what they’ll need to do to sign up for the new health insurance marketplaces. Advocates worry about the outreach strategy and funding in states that defaulted to the federal government to run the exchanges.
Insurers’ Efforts To Delay Health Law Compliance Could Affect Premiums, Benefits For Millions
By moving up renewal dates on plans sold directly to consumers, insurers could delay meeting law’s requirements for up to a year.
Despite Fears Of ‘Sticker Shock,’ Young Adults Should Have Reasonable Plan Options On Exchanges
Insurance columnist answers readers’ questions about the premium prices for young adults, pre-tax contributions to health savings accounts and choosing between work-provided coverage and buying a plan on their own.