Morning Breakouts

Latest KFF Health News Stories

Case Of Rare Fungal STI Ringworm Reported In US For First Time

Morning Briefing

Physicians are saying they’re facing increasing trouble when it comes to treating fungal infections. In other developments, a possible salmonella outbreak in cucumbers has sickened over 150 people, hospitalizing 54.

Mexico Man’s Death Marks First Human Case Of H5N2 Bird Flu Variant

Morning Briefing

The variant, which killed a 59-year-old man, is not known to have spread to humans, authorities say. They stressed that there’s no evidence of person-to-person transmission linked to this subtype, and note the man had several prior health conditions.

Scientists Link More Than 200 Symptoms To Long Covid

Morning Briefing

A new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine also says a positive covid test isn’t necessary to diagnose long covid. Separately, physicians are asking if covid is to blame for a surge in “unusual” cancers.

This Fall’s Covid Shot Should Target JN.1 Variant, FDA Panel Agrees

Morning Briefing

The recommendation would lead to the third remake of covid vaccines since 2022, CIDRAP notes, with new shots targeting ever-evolving variants. FDA officials say the timing for this type of decision “remains elusive.” Also, a potential treatment is about to begin clinical trials in South Carolina.

Special Report: Pharmacies In Crisis

Morning Briefing

AP takes a deep dive into the shortage of pharmacies and how a tidal wave of closures has affected the health care of residents — especially Black people and Latinos — in underserved or rural regions.

Gene Therapy Gives 5 Children With Total Deafness The Ability To Hear

Morning Briefing

Newly published research covers the success of the first trial of a breakthrough gene therapy in which the treatment was applied to children in both ears. Meanwhile, a transplanted pig kidney is removed from a human patient, but not because of the kidney itself: A heart pump issue was the cause.

Different Virus, ‘Same Mistakes’: Birx Sounds Alarm About Bird Flu Response

Morning Briefing

Deborah Birx, the former federal coronavirus response coordinator, thinks the U.S. should be testing cows and people often for the H5N1 bird flu virus so that we don’t reach pandemic stage. Meanwhile, Michigan pumps the breaks on field trips to dairy farms. Mpox and covid are also in the news.

Appeals Court Revives Sutter Health $411 Million Antitrust Class Action

Morning Briefing

The California health provider is accused of anticompetitive behavior that increased insurance costs and now must face a new trial. Also in the news: possible reforms for the 340B drug discount program, insurers address the affordable housing crisis, and more.

For Some At-Risk Groups, The CDC Now Advises Post-Sex Antibiotics

Morning Briefing

A dose of doxycycline within 72 hours of having sex is now the post-exposure prophylaxis measure recommended by the CDC for people at a higher risk of contracting bacterial STIs. Separately, research shows teens with strong family ties are less likely to have sex at young ages.

US Maternal Deaths Still Higher Than Other High-Income Nations: Study

Morning Briefing

The good news: Maternal deaths in the U.S. have fallen back to pre-pandemic levels. The bad, according to a study, is that those numbers exceed rates in other high-income nations, and the figures get worse for Black mothers. Another finding of the report is that most of the deaths are happening within the first year after birth.

FDA Panel Advises Against MDMA As Treatment For PTSD

Morning Briefing

Although advisers noted the promise of psychedelic use for patients who suffer trauma, they agreed clinical trials so far haven’t yielded convincing results. California-based Lykos Therapeutics said it would continue to work with the FDA to ease doubts.

Research Suggests Thinking Twice Before Drinking Alcohol On A Plane

Morning Briefing

German scientists found that consuming alcohol during flights led to blood oxygen decreases and heart rate increases. Other health and wellness news is on projected rates of cardiovascular disease, salt’s effect on the microbiome, spirituality in health care, and more.