Morning Breakouts

Latest KFF Health News Stories

California Flu Spike Investigated; H5N1 Infects Alpacas In Idaho

Morning Briefing

At the point in the flu season when levels should be decreasing, wastewater monitoring in Northern California has found unusual spikes. Health officials are investigating if avian flu is playing a role. Meanwhile, the virus is having an impact on alpaca and chicken flocks in other parts of the country.

Adults Who Help A Tennessee Minor Get An Abortion Will Face Prosecution

Morning Briefing

Republican Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee signed into law a bill that, starting July 1, would criminalize actions by a nonparental adult in transporting a minor to get an abortion or to access abortion pills. The measure is expected to face judicial challenge.

Who Should Prescribe Methadone? Industry Leaders Sound Off At Summit

Morning Briefing

At issue is a bill from Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) that would wrest methadone from the control of specialized clinics and allow any board-certified addiction doctor or addiction psychiatrist to prescribe the medication directly to patients, Stat reports.

Longer Looks: Interesting Reads You Might Have Missed

Morning Briefing

Each week, KFF Health News finds longer stories for you to enjoy. This week’s selections include stories on psychiatry, pink noise, “forever chemicals,” a blood scandal, and more.

CDC Analysis Suggests Stroke Rates Are Rising Once Again

Morning Briefing

Stat reminds us that strokes had been seeing a “steady decline among all Americans,” as it notes new CDC data now shows that trend reversing. The WHO, meanwhile, underlines the addictive health threat from vapes.

Lawmakers Argue Whether Farm Bill Would Slash States’ SNAP Benefits

Morning Briefing

As Reuters reports, the proposed legislation would not reduce current levels of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, but would freeze the list of covered products, and the values allowed to purchase them, at their present levels.

No Health Risk Found From Cloud-Brightening Climate Experiment

Morning Briefing

The University of Washington experiment, which sprays sea salt into the air in an effort to help cool the planet, doesn’t present a health risk. Separately, reports say that oil refineries are now pumping out less toxic benzene than they used to.

Jury Rejects Illinois Woman’s Claim That Zantac Causes Cancer

Morning Briefing

This case in Chicago is the first of thousands of lawsuits with essentially the same argument, Reuters reminds us. Meanwhile reports also tackle the tricky question of who, exactly, is going to get the $1.1 billion payout from the Philips sleep apnea suit?